Public Invited to Venerate Sacred Buddha’s Tooth Relic at Sanam Luang

Phra Meru of Princess Bejaratana Rajasuda and the information plate in Sanam Luang, Bangkok
Phra Meru of Princess Bejaratana Rajasuda and the information plate in Sanam Luang, Bangkok. Photo: Xiengyod.

BANGKOK (NBT WORLD) – Members of the public are invited to venerate the Sacred Buddha’s Tooth Relic, temporarily enshrined at Sanam Luang from now until [Read More…]

Royal Ploughing Ceremony foretells ample water, food and prospering economy

Royal Ploughing Ceremony 2009 in Bangkok.
The Royal Ploughing Ceremony in Sanam Luang, Bangkok. Photo: Xiengyod.

Sufficient water, abundant crops and a prosperous economy were predicted during the Royal Ploughing Ceremony at Sanam Luang in Bangkok presided over by Their Majesties [Read More…]