Tag: NTC
Thai mobile operator dtac to join 4G auction
Total Access Communication PLC (dtac) is gearing up and confident to participate in the upcoming 1800 MHz spectrum auction this August, following the National Telecommunications [Read More…]
Approval of 3G licenses pending conclusions on service details
BANGKOK, 19 April 2013 (NNT) – The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) has not been able to endorse the 3G licenses of three mobile phone service [Read More…]
CAT Telecom puts brakes on DTAC 3G launch
CAT Telecom chief executive officer Jirayuth Rungsrithong said the agency would advise Total Access Communication (DTAC) to wait for a reply from the Office of [Read More…]
TrueMove fires latest salvo in row over DTAC ownership
Complaint over foreign holdings filed with NTC TrueMove yesterday filed a further complaint against Total Access Communication (DTAC) over what it claims is its rival’s [Read More…]
3G deal will give True, CAT the edge
But many more hurdles need to be cleared before the project can take off The tie-up between CAT Telecom and True Corp to offer 3G [Read More…]
Thailand’s NTC study faults CAT-True 3G deal
NTC says deal will deter retail competition The CAT Telecom-True Group deals might contravene the new frequency allocation law and deter competition in the 3G [Read More…]
NTC is confident “Number Portability” coming soon in Thailand
BANGKOK, 9 November 2010 (NNT)-The National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) has said the Number Portability service will be in full operation sooner than previously announced, from [Read More…]
NTC confirms 5 Thai mobile operators to provide number portability service
BANGKOK, 1 November 2010 (NNT)- The National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) has confirmed that 5 mobile phone operators will provide a number portability service for their [Read More…]