Activists and survivors of Thailand’s October 1976 massacre demand end to arbitrary arrests

Sculpture of 6 October 1976 Memorial at Thammasat University, Bangkok
Sculpture of 6 October 1976 Memorial at Thammasat University, Bangkok. Photo: Xiengyod .

Former student activists and survivors of the October 6th, 1976 massacre, in and around Bangkok’s Thammasat University, have launched a new group called “Octoberists For [Read More…]

University Bans Annual Commemoration of 1976 Student Massacre

Thammasat University
View of Thammasat University. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

BANGKOK — Thammasat University’s administrators have preemptively banned any political events commemorating the 1976 massacre that took place inside the university on 6 October, presumably [Read More…]