When Places Become Brands! An art of place branding to increase value, revenue and sustainability

When Places Become Brands! An art of place branding to increase value, revenue and sustainability.
When Places Become Brands! An art of place branding to increase value, revenue and sustainability. Image: Chulalongkorn University.

Assistant Professor Ake Pattaratanakun from Chulalongkorn Business School, shares his insights on current place branding as a way to increase revenue, values and sustainability. Ban [Read More…]

Children Padlocked In Well As Irish Father Is Robbed Of Six Houses In Phuket

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

Two children of an Irish businessman were thrown into a well while his housekeeper working with ‘organised criminals’ set about to defraud him of his [Read More…]