Post-Match Brawl Erupts Between Foreign Fighters After Thai Boxing Showdown in Phuket

Muay Thai competitor attempts a high kick but it is blocked by his opponent
Muay Thai competitor attempts a high kick but it is blocked by his opponent. photo: Eric Langley. CC BY 2.0.

Patong, Phuket– A post-match fracas erupted at a Patong boxing stadium following a Thai boxing contest between competitors from Russia and Ireland. Wild brawl at [Read More…]

Songkran Water Splashing Causes Viral Fight in Phuket

Tourists and residents celebrate Songkran Festival, the Thai New Year by splashing water to each others in Phuket.
Tourists and residents celebrate Songkran Festival, the Thai New Year by splashing water to each others. Photo: Phuketian.S /

At 4:20 PM, on April 13th, 2024, Thai social media posted a viral video of two foreigners having a dispute after one became upset after [Read More…]

Brave Foreign Tourist Breaks Up Fight Among Transwomen in Pattaya and Sustains Injuries

Walking Street in Pattaya at night
Walking Street in Pattaya at night. Photo: Wpcpey. CC BY-SA 4.0.

A courageous foreign man was moderately injured after he attempted to quell a fight between transwomen on the Pattaya beachfront. Pattaya Authorities Crack Down on [Read More…]

Teenager Seriously Injured after Fighting at Bali Hai Pier Skatepark in Pattaya

Pattaya City Billboard Sign at Bali Hai Pier, South Pattaya
Pattaya City Billboard Sign at Bali Hai Pier, South Pattaya. Photo: Ilya Plekhanov. CC BY-SA 3.0.

A teenager has sustained severe injuries after fighting with more than 20 other teenagers at the Bali Hai Pier in Pattaya. One Person Injured After [Read More…]