Thai authorities warns residents of heavy rain until 25 Jun

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

BANGKOK, 21 June 2011 (NNT) –The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) has warned people residing in the central region, the East, and the [Read More…]

Disrespecting Quran causes Narathiwat prison riot: activist

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

The chief coordinator of the Network of Youth Organistions in the Southernmost Provinces, Artef Sohko, urged the authorities to investigate the allegations that certain officials [Read More…]

Two shopkeepers killed, five officials wounded in Narathiwat attacks

Thailand News Breaking News
Thailand News Breaking News. Image: TN.

NARATHIWAT, June 8 – Two shop owners were shot dead, a local government official, a security volunteer and three police officers were wounded Wednesday in [Read More…]

American Faces More Than 15-Year Sentence in Thailand for Insulting Monarchy

The flag of Thailand flown at the Thai Supreme Court building in Bangkok
The flag of Thailand flown at the Thai Supreme Court building in Bangkok. Photo: Xiengyod.

Thai police have arrested U.S. citizen Lerpong Wichaikhammat, 54, and charged him with defaming the revered monarchy for an alleged offense dating to a four-year-old [Read More…]