Prasat Phanom Rung Khmer temple in Buri Ram

Phanom Rung Historical Park – Buri Ram

Phanom Rung is a Hindu temple located in Buri Ram Province, North-East Thailand (Isan).

Ancient Khmer temple in Buri Ram

Prasat Hin Phanom Rung is a Khmer temple set on the rim of an extinct volcano. The temple, dedicated to Shiva, was built in sandstone and laterite in the 10th to 13th centuries. The name of the temple “Phanom Rung” mean “large mountain.”

As many Khmer temples, the sun rise through the 15 doors of the temple.

Phanom Rung Historical Park is a must-see if you visit Buriram province.

-Thailand News (TN)

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