A number of Tunisian hotels are preventing women who wear the, so-called, ‘Burkini’ swimwear from accessing to private swimming pools, claiming that this swimwear is dangerous.
The Burkini is a type of swimwear designed by the Lebanese-born Australian fashion designer, Aheda Zanetti. It is a swimsuit that covers the entire body except the face, hands, and feet. It is rubbery enough to facilitate swimming and is popular among European Muslims.
Al-Khaleej Online contacted the Tunisian Ministry of Tourism. However, the Ministry did not provide any explanation.
Commenting on the ban, Imed Daïmi, Rapporteur of the Committee of Rights, Freedoms, and External Relations at the Tunisian Chamber of Deputies, described the decision of some hotels to ban veiled women’s dress as “unconstitutional” and “illegal”.
Full story: middleeastmonitor.com
Middle East Monitor
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