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Twitter is now giving everyone 280 characters

PanARMENIAN.Net – Twitter tested extending its 140-character limit in September, and now it wants to assure users that during that test, “the brevity of Twitter remained.”

On Tuesday, November 7 afternoon, Twitter — a social network born out of the conceit of 140-character brevity — announced it would expand its character limit to 280 characters for all users, in nearly all languages (except Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, which already allow users to say more using fewer characters), BuzzFeed News reports.

For some hardcore power users and Twitter purists, the news is almost certain to cause outrage. In late September, Twitter announced it was testing 280 characters with select accounts, and devoted users across the service complained loudly that the decision fundamentally changed the constraints that made the social network so unique.

Twitter argues that the change is an improvement to the service.

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