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Thais outraged by suggestion of singles tax policy

BANGKOK, 6 September 2013 (NNT) – A proposal by an economic academic to increase tax rates for single citizens has sparked debate among young Thais.

On September 5, Terdsak Chomtosuwan, an economics professor from Rangsit University, pointed out during a seminar on Thailand’s economic policies that the country was facing a labour shortage due to the growing number of elderly people and lower birth rates.

He said the kingdom has a low fertility rate of only 1.6 children per household and that many factors including the country’s economic boom are encouraging young citizens to choose work over marriage and children.

Read more: NNT


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  1. 1

    Please forgive my ignorance if I am incorrect in my assumption, but this article seems to infer that single working people do not pay income tax in Thailand. If this is the case, then by all means they should be paying their fare share. However, if singles are indeed already required to pay income taxes just like married citizens, then this would definitely be a discriminatory tax and should not be allowed.

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